Virtual To help church staff and church lay leaders understand and comply with the tax laws, a Church and Clergy Tax Webinar sponsored by the BGAV will be held via Zoom on February 20, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.. Your registration includes both ...
Multiply 2025: Re-Claiming the Great Commission in Today's Context
Old Town Community Church At Multiply 2025, we'll turn our attention back on to Jesus' famous last words. We will consider afresh what they mean for the churches we lead and the context we serve.
Multiply 2025: Re-Claiming the Great Commission in Today's Context
Old Town Community Church At Multiply 2025, we'll turn our attention back on to Jesus' famous last words. We will consider afresh what they mean for the churches we lead and the context we serve.
Multiply 2025: Re-Claiming the Great Commission in Today's Context
Old Town Community Church At Multiply 2025, we'll turn our attention back on to Jesus' famous last words. We will consider afresh what they mean for the churches we lead and the context we serve.
Virtual This webinar will explore how to ask more effective questions so that people in our sphere of influence think more clearly, reflect more critically, and take more responsibility for action. We will explore the power of the open-ended question a...